Saturday, July 23, 2011

Freebie Friday Winner


Good morning! We are having a very relaxing morning here. We got up and made blueberry muffins. Then we took those and some strawberries and sat on our front porch eating breakfast and watching the rain come in. This is day two of our new little ritual. After breakfast the girls color and run across the porch. It's a wonderful way o start the day out.

 So I finally picked our Freebie Friday Winner! Sorry, sometimes family has to come first :)

kendradawn1985 is the winner. And after the last few weeks it sounds like she needs it!

Thank you all for sharing your wonderful stories. I love that it feels more like a community of friends that want to help each other out! You guys are the best!

Have a great day!


  1. Thanks so much! What is the prize? Yes I felt I really did deserve it after the last two weeks. It's hard when you have little family that understands breasftfeeding as well. Whenever I can to air my frustrations about anything, everyone suggests formula feeding as some sort of golden soluction. Can you send me a personal fb request? I plan on uploading some pics of my sister in laws stagette that was last night. My husband stayed home with the baby and supplemed one feeding with dropper given breastmilk. She's still too young to give a bottle because she'll get nipple confustion. I think she's going tough a growth spurt because she was 'terribly fussy' for me all yesterday. I sure hope it's a growth spurt. I agree, it is like a support family. I'm glad for that. Some of my best supports currently come from WAHM's.

  2. You may pick any item from our Available for Immediate sale photo album on our facebook page (sorry still loading them on etsy). Good luck with the breastfeeding. I was unfortunately really out of it the first two weeks after the twins were born and just couldn't get them both started. I regret it, but there wasn't a lot I could do at the time!

    Have fun shopping and just let me know what you would like :)


Thank you for sharing.... :)