Friday, August 19, 2011

Freebie Friday - Agusut 19th, 2011

Good Freebie Friday!

Well the weather has started getting cooler here, especially at night! I am looking forward to more flannel lounge pants weather, but I better get cracking on more for the girls! I actually have one pair almost done for each of them. I am recycling a set of their flannel receiving blankets that their grandma made them. I thought it would be a great way for them to continue to enjoying them. Their other matching set they use to swaddle their baby dolls so they are getting more use than I thought they would.

So since the weather is getting cooler the flannel lounge pants will be coming and the summer lounge pants will be a distant memory. What I have decided is that I can continue to offer the cotton lounge pants during the winter months but will make the girls full length instead of the capris (and minus the ruffle - sorry)!

Today to celebrate a successful summer with lots of lounge pants sales we are again offering one set of cotton lounge pants  that we will be carrying this fall. So sorry, no more capris for the girls, but they will cover those little legs and keep them warm through the fall!

Okay, these are the flannel ones, but I'm excited to start them back up! :)

So go on over to our facebook page and check out the prints available and leave a comment here with your favorite. Or let us know what you would like to see more of! There are a lot more prints out there that we have access too but we just can't share all of them or we would spend all our time at the computer instead of making wonderful things for you! Remember you have until midnight tonight (CST) to enter and all you need to do is leave a comment. Winner will be posted tomorrow!

I am working on a special announcement for later today so keep your eyes peeled since it should be coming soon!

Thanks and have a wonderful Friday!


  1. Probably the monkeys or the dinosaurs! :)

  2. I love the dinosaurs and ladybugs! so cute!

  3. the girls poke a dots are cute I would love to see some stars or a princess/prince theme

  4. Love the monkeys or the pink polka dots!

  5. Oh the boys monkey or puppy ones!

  6. well..we already have the dinos and i will go with either the monkeys or the tools we love our lounge pants!! :)

  7. I love the dinosaur print!
    Allibird1 at aol dot com


Thank you for sharing.... :)